Remote Assist - Quick start for Library Staff

Remote Assist - Quick start for Library Staff

If you don't have an account with JerseyConnect Remote Assist, contact the JerseyConnect help desk at support@jerseyconnect.net

You can use either the staff app or the Remote Assist website to assist patrons. Here are steps for both methods.

How to get started with the Remote Assist staff app

  1. Browse to https://assist.jerseyconnect.net/start/ISLLight to download the staff app

  2. Run the app and select Install or Run Once depending on your needs:

  3. Either way, the app opens at the login screen. Enter your email address and JerseyConnect Remote Assist password to get started.

  4. The app will switch to the remote assistance screen.

  5. Click Start New Session to start a new session. A new window will pop up with the code.

  6. Note the session number. Click Invite to send an email with a join link, or click Options to customize the session.

  7. When the patron enters the code, they're prompted to download a small client app. Wait for the patron to start the app. The session window will change to show the patron's screen.

  8. For desktop or laptops, you can move the patron's mouse, enter text, or make annotations on the patron's screen. You can also chat with patrons over text or start an audio or video call.

  9. When you're done, click the icon of a display with an X on the lower corner to end the session

  10. The session will end, and the staff app stays open in case you want to start another session.

How to get started from the Remote Assist website

  1. Browse to https://assist.jerseyconnect.net/
  2. Click the Login link in the top right corner
  3. Enter your email address and JerseyConnect Remote Assist password. You'll see the Remote Support screen:
  4. Click Start New Session to download the staff program, and click Run. A code for a new session will pop up automatically.

  5. Note the session number. Click Invite to create an email with a join link, or click Options to customize the session.

  6. When the patron enters the code, they're prompted to download a small client app. Wait for the patron to start the app. The session window will change to show the patron's screen.

  7. For desktop or laptops, you can move the patron's mouse, enter text, or make annotations on the patron's screen. You can also chat with patrons over text or start an audio or video call.
  8. When you're done, click the icon of a display with an X on the lower corner to end the session.

  9. The session will end, and the staff program stays open in case you want to start another session. You can keep it open, or close it and download a new copy anytime.