Change PHP Settings for your Website

Change PHP Settings for your Website

Read on if you need to increase your upload size limit, change you PHP version, or modify other PHP settings for your JerseyConnect hosted website.

Access the PHP Selector

  1. Log in to cPanel at https://yourlibrary.name:2083/ where yourlibrary.name is your library's domain name, e.g. njstatelib.org

  2. Locate the Software section and the click the Select PHP Version icon


Change PHP Versions

When switching versions you may need to reapply extension and option changes.

From any of the tabs in the PHP selector, change the Current PHP version as desired and click Apply.


Set PHP Extensions

PHP extensions are software modules that add functionality to PHP, allowing you to perform tasks like database management or image manipulation.

Go to the Extension tab to see the list of available PHP extensions. This will default to showing the currently applied version and the extensions available can vary between PHP versions.

Extensions are set per version, so any changes made to one version are not copied over to the others. This is also true for any new versions that may come out in the future.

To enable or disable an extension just check or uncheck it from the list. To modify the extensions for another version, just set the Current PHP version drop-down to the desired version and make your changes. You do not need to apply the PHP version to make extension changes.

Set PHP Options

PHP options are the various settings that can be adjusted to customize the behavior of PHP.

Just like extensions, the Options tab will default to showing the currently applied version and changes are made per version.

As you change options they will automatically be saved. Modified options will have a Result to default link under the name.

As with extensions, you can modify the options for another version using the Current PHP version drop-down. Again, you do not need to apply the PHP version to make changes.


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