How to Access JerseyConnect's cPanel Interface

How to Access JerseyConnect's cPanel Interface

cPanel is a web hosting control panel available to all library’s hosting their website or DNS with JerseyConnect. The rich web interface provides multiple tools for managing and configuring your web hosting environment and DNS records.

If your library uses both our website and DNS hosting either method below will work.

For Website Hosting

Log in to cPanel at https://yourlibrary.domain:2083/, where yourlibrary.domain is your library's domain name, e.g. njstatelib.org.

For DNS Hosting

For when your website is hosted by another provider, but JerseyConnect is hosting your DNS records. Access cPanel at https://cpanel.yourlibrary.domain, where yourlibrary.domain is your library's domain name, e.g. njstatelib.org.

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